août 21, 2024

Calvin Amell Celebrates 16 Years With 67’s, OSEG


In the 16 years Calvin Amell has been working with the Ottawa 67’s, 12 of which have been with Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group since its inception, there has been change, and a lot of it.

The Business Development Director, Corporate Partnerships, lived through a time when the revitalization of Lansdowne Park, and the Ottawa REDBLACKS as a whole, was nothing but a dream.

He made routine trips to see the Lansdowne Park model that now is on display in the south side concourse in the arena as a reminder of what there was to look forward to. Amazingly, apart from a couple of tiny details, everything panned out exactly as planned, and OSEG, along with a brand-new football team, were born.

“My title has changed, but my role really hasn’t [since the takeover],” Calvin said. “With the 67’s, we were a small shop, and everyone basically did everything. I did group sales and corporate sponsorships. When OSEG started, I was asked which way I wanted to go, and I chose corporate.”

His history is extensive, having worked for a large company, and even running his own for a period of time, but decided to take a flier on a job with the Ottawa 67’s in 2008, and has never looked back.

“When I started, I had never done sales before,” Calvin said. “I have a degree in economics, I have eight years of management at a utility company, and I ran my own successful business. A neighbour who was a partner with the 67’s at the time told me there was an Account Manager position opening.”

“I didn’t know what it was, but I got my foot in the door. Historically, my work ethic drove me to the success that I have now. I hate to fail, but I also love customer service.”

Calvin said. “First Choice Haircutters and CAA have been with me since 2009. I pride myself in customer service, and that has really helped my longevity. Having a 90 percent renewal rate each year has shown management that I can do the job that they need to be done.”

“Doing all of the little things for the customer and getting to know them and their families takes a partnership beyond the transaction and the visibility of their brand. That’s where I’ve grown, I understand all of that.”

Now a veteran of the corporate partnerships game, Calvin has worked with plenty of young, hungry people, keen to reach his level of success. For them, he leads by example, but is also willing to share as much of his knowledge as possible, to help set them off on the right foot, whether their opportunity comes within the company, or elsewhere.

“I try to explain to them the value of customer service, and the value of our partners,” he said. “It’s important to always be looking out for our clients and be thinking about ways to do something special for them. For instance, if you find out they have kids, you take them down to the sidelines. That doesn’t cost us anything aside from time and effort.”

The people he’s met and the new friends he has made hold a key place in his heart, and there’s palpable excitement for the next handful of years, as OSEG continues to truck forward.

“Through all of these years, I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of great people,” Calvin said. “I can’t say enough good things about OSEG, and there’s still room to grow and improve, but we’re heading in the right direction.”